Hot Tubs for Workout Recovery

relaxing in a hot tub

Whether you’re new to having an exercise routine or you’re taking your fitness program to the next level, your hot tub can play a key role in post-workout recovery.

When you work out, your muscles are working hard and your body is burning energy. In order to produce fuel for muscle cells, your body utilizes oxygen to break down sugars to feed those cells. The chemical process is relatively simple and is called cellular respiration.

When you start to feel winded, it typically means your cells are running out of oxygen. This is your body undergoing another process to keep you going: anaerobic respiration. This process will produce lactic acid, the substance that makes you feel the burn during a high-intensity workout. That burning sensation means your workout is paying off, but it’s also working as a defense mechanism for your muscles.

The soreness you experience for days after a workout is normal and a result of normal, reparable damage to the muscle tissue.

Staying on track with your fitness goals can be difficult if you’re sore for days following a workout. Why not assist your muscles in recovering faster so you’re able to keep going? Hot tub soaking has been proven to provide relaxation, but it can also reduce joint pain, help regulate sleep, and aid in muscle recovery.

Post-workout Hot Tub Use

While soaking in a hot tub, your body undergoes changes in blood circulation, core body temperature, and metabolic rate. Many studies also show the benefits of hydrotherapy. The warm water will help to increase blood flow from the extremities into your core and speed up the process of lactic acid, as well as other metabolites produced during exercise. A study by The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that soaking in a hot tub after a workout can prevent elastic tissue damage in your body.

A critical factor in the effectiveness of a post-workout hot tub session is timing. In order to reduce muscle inflammation and get the most out of your experience, it’s recommended to wait until your heart rate has gone back to normal and your muscles have had a chance to cool off. One effective method is to ice your muscles (or soak them in cold water) for up to 15 minutes, followed by a 20-minute hot tub session. Doing this will greatly reduce muscle soreness the day after exercising.

Pre-workout Hot Tub Use

In addition to post-workout recovery, incorporating a soak into your warm-up routine can be beneficial as well. In order to avoid injuries, it’s especially important for anyone who performs full-body workouts to relax and stretch their muscles before beginning exercise.

A short hot tub session will dilate your blood vessels to allow for increased blood flow and reduced tension. As a result, a quick 10-minute soak combined with a stretch is a great way to prepare for repetitive body motion or strenuous weightlifting.

Enhance Your Workout Performance with a Cal Spa’s Hot Tub

While there is no absolute way to avoid muscle soreness, especially if you’re new to working out, soaking in a hot tub will help keep the soreness to a manageable level. Reduced pain and shortened muscle recovery times will assist you in your workout performance so you can accomplish your fitness goals.

Shop our fantastic selection today to find the ideal spa for you. Or stop by one of our convenient Twin Cities locations and talk to one of our showroom experts, who can help you customize the perfect hot tub to fit your needs.